Take This Self-Quiz for Independent Restaurant Owners

 In 1. David Scott Peters, workshop

By David Scott Peters

  • At dinnertime, do you often have more empty seats than customers?
  • Your sales are up, but your profits are flat – or worse: zero.
  • Are your employees usually – POOF – gone in 90 days or fewer?
  • Are expenses gobbling up your dollars at the register faster than you can make them?
  • Does your advertising attract mostly cheapskate coupon clippers?
  • Do your food cost percentages look great, but your bank balance says, “Something is terribly wrong”?
  • Are you unsure how to handle customer complaints without letting people take advantage of you?
  • When you want something done right, do you usually do it yourself?
  • Do you sometimes feel like exploding because your entire staff seems so downright stupid?
  • If you answered YES to any of these questions, you’re an excellent candidate for my workshop coming up in September.

    Running a restaurant is hard work and most independent restaurant owners are lucky if they make a nickel on every dollar. But most of these restaurant owners are figuring it all out as they go. They don’t have proven systems in place that save time and money while offering a consistent experience for customers.

    I don’t want you to have to reinvent the wheel. I have all they systems, and I want to teach them to you!

    Come to my workshop September 14-17 in Las Vegas. I teach everything I know about running a restaurant in four days. It’s enough to make your head spin. If you don’t walk away with systems to shave a measly 1% off your operating costs, then I’ll know you were sleeping the whole four days. But I know you can do better and save as much as 5, 10 or 15% off your operating costs. PLUS: If you register before August 15, you’ll save $1,000 off the cost of tuition. It’s the Super Early Bird Discount!

    The systems I teach address every one of the questions above. Imagine what you can take away if you tackle just one of those questions.

    David Scott Peters is a restaurant expert, coach, trainer and speaker, specializing in systems for independent restaurant owners. He is the nationally acclaimed restaurant coach whose unique “SMART Systems” approach to boosting profits has earned him the title of, “The man who can walk into any restaurant in America and find $10,000 in undiscovered cash before he hits the back door – Guaranteed!” Visit www.TheRestaurantExpert.com for more.

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