Latest FohBoh-ist Post

 In 1. David Scott Peters, workshop

By David Scott Peters

I’ve been in Vegas all week for my semi-annual restaurant workshop. While I was out, I posted this on FohBoh.

My workshop, How to Run a Profitable Restaurant: from Soup to Nuts, is four intensive days – and nights – of systems training.

I always come back inspired. I know I’m helping independent restaurant owners around the globe improve their businesses and their lives with my SMART Systems.

The post on FohBoh highlights a couple of things I see at every workshop. If you weren’t able to make it this time around, my next workshop is in September (14-17) to be exact.

I’ll be back next week with some great ideas from this week’s workshop.

David Scott Peters is a restaurant expert, coach, trainer and speaker, specializing in systems for independent restaurant owners. He is known as the SMART Systems guy who can walk into any restaurant in the United Stated and find you $10,000 in undiscovered cash before he hits the back door … Guaranteed! Visit for more.

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