Last Day to Get Early-Bird Rate on the Best Restaurant Workshop for Independent Restaurant Owners
By David Scott Peters
Visit this link today to register for “How to Run a Profitable Restaurant: from Soup to Nuts” and get your early-bird discount, plus several special bonus offers. It’s the most comprehensive restaurant workshop out there. It’s designed for independent restaurant owners interested in operating a profitable restaurant.
That’s a pretty broad description, so let me narrow it down for you. At this 4-day intensive workshop, I teach just some of the following to independent restaurant owners like you:
– Business plan development
– Managerial accounting
– Marketing know-how
– Complete systems on cost of goods sold, food and beverage controls
– Human resources and training
And integral to the restaurant workshop, I coach restaurant owners on how to work less and minimize stress, leaving more time for a personal life.
I do these things focusing on my SMART Systems — Simple, Measurable, Applicable, Repeatable and Trainable. I provide SMART Systems to train independent restaurant owners to solve their daily operations problems, avoid costly mistakes, and maximize their profits and cash reserves.
If these sound like things you’d like to learn to improve your restaurant’s operations, register today for the best restaurant workshop for independent restaurant owners, “How to Run a Profitable Restaurant: from Soup to Nuts,” scheduled for March 23-26 in Las Vegas. Today is the last day to get your early-bird rate.
Here’s what one attendee had to say after attending the workshop:
After 30 years in the business, I thought I had it all down, but I am so glad I attended the workshop. As a result of what David taught us, I promoted my kitchen and assistant managers to co-managers and let them run the day-to-day operations. I was able to take a step back from the business and spend more time at the computer reevaluating the budget, working on numbers, spreadsheets and checklists and it has paid off. — Janet Hackert, general manager of House of Flavors in Ludington, Mich.
Janet and her team increased their sales, decreased their costs and doubled their profits. These kids of results are not abnormal for attendees to my workshop.
And with a better-than-100% guarantee, you can’t miss this workshop. Today’s economy isn’t as forgiving as it has been in the past.
David Scott Peters is a restaurant expert, coach, trainer and speaker, specializing in systems for independent restaurant owners. He is known as the SMART Systems guy who can walk into any restaurant in the United Stated and find you $10,000 in undiscovered cash before he hits the back door … Guaranteed! Visit for more.