Why Tough Love Is Good for Restaurant Management

 In 1. David Scott Peters, Employees, Labor

“I just can’t get my people to do it,” is something I hear all of the time. The “it” refers to holding restaurant management accountable to such things as the use of a system, following a procedure, touching tables, being on the floor and the list goes on.

Sound familiar?

What is my response to this common complaint?

I say, “Who signs their paycheck?”

The bottom line is if they won’t do it, someone NEW will!

At some point there comes a time when you have to make a change for the betterment of your business and your life. While it seems harsh, the realization is this: change is a comin’ and she doesn’t have to be a bi**h!”

You have to understand every employee makes up their own mind to be a part or not be a part of the change. Either way, the employee makes the choice, you don’t. It is within your power to set the expectation that there are systems and standards to be followed. If the expectations aren’t met or followed, it is your job to decide the fate of that employee.

Once you embrace this mindset and implement systems and structure within your restaurant, I can promise you that you WILL lose some of your employees.

Some of the employees who leave may surprise you, being the employees you thought were your best employees. On the flip side, the employees you thought were your worst may become your best because the whole time they’ve been missing what they need: structure. A lot of people thrive under structure and flounder under loosey-goosey management.

Letting some of your long-term people take a different career path is sometimes very hard. But you have to remember that you have a responsibility to run a profitable restaurant!

Think about what you really want in your restaurant and out of life. If you are being challenged by your employees, consider systems. Stop letting the employees run the restaurant and lead your restaurant and your team to success.

To learn more about the importance of holding your management team accountable, changing your culture and your responsibility as a restaurant owner, read our special report, Breaking Away from the Insanity: How to easily take control of your restaurant and make more money. Download it here

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