Trends to consider for your restaurant

 In 4. Jenny Brooks, Of Interest

By Jenny Brooks

I wanted to bring to the table for discussion some trends I’ve been noticing lately. OK, lately is pushing it. I’m a little behind when it comes to pointing out these trends, but I still think it’s worth highlighting for your reading.

menu label

Number one is menu labeling. Where do you stand on the issue? Do you think it’s important to be transparent with your customers? Would it hurt your business to show nutritional information on your menu items? Do you have any idea what the nutritional content of your food is?

It’s not likely to impact you leagally for a long time. As the bills get proposed and pushed through, they’re only applicable to chains with 15 or 20 or more units. But that doesn’t mean you won’t be forced to respond. As customers get used to getting that information from the chains, they’ll start to expect it from you. And if they can’t get it from you, they could stop choosing your restaurant to dine in.

Just something to think about.

Another trend is the “green” trend. Are you making any moves to make your restaurant green? Do you recycle in the front of the house and in the back of the house? Do you use biodegradable packaging? How about your energy use? Is it monitored? What about the use of green foods in your restaurant? Do you buy and preapre your foods in a sustainable manner.

recyle iconI’m not saying you should, just asking you to think about it. A lot of the green movement has many benefits for you as a business owner. To be green can mean you are cost conscious, benefitting your bottom line and your pockets in the end.

These are two trends/issues I don’t think will settle down any time soon. Do you have a five-year plan? Do either of these issues fit into that plan?

I’m just sayin’.

Jenny Brooks is a public relations professional providing expert and strategic tactics for businesses trying to increase awareness about themselves and their products. She is also the editor of SMART Systems Insider, a monthly newsletter from David Scott Peters, restaurant expert. Questions about PR and how she can help your restaurant? Email her.

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