I’m Back!!! Sorry I’ve been away for so long.

 In 1. David Scott Peters, Of Interest

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Welcome back to the David Scott Peters’ Restaurant Profits Blog.

I want to personal thank you for coming back and appologize for breaking my contract with you. When I started this blog I promised you that I would keep it up to date with information and ideas of how you could run a more profitable restaurant. I also said I would let you get to know me better. Well, as you can see below I didn’t keep my end of the bargain.

I’m here to tell you know that I promise to walk my talk! I promise to update this blog at least once a week with a video, audio or text message. I will walk my talk. For at my four day workshop called Running a Profitable Restaurant: From Soup to Nuts in Las Vegas, NV earlier this month, the theme was “Ideas are Cheap. It’s the People Who Put Them Into Action that are Priceless!”

Look for an email from me each week letting you know to come visit me.

Remember to keep smiling,
David Scott Peters

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