How to Find Good Restaurant Managers

 In 1. David Scott Peters, Employees, Leadership, Restaurant Management

How would you like to stop the revolving door of managers in your restaurant and finally unlock the solution to finding good managers? Watch this video to learn how to find good restaurant managers!

About those restaurant managers…

Every restaurant owner has made the decision to promote a regular restaurant employee to restaurant manager and then found themselves faced with someone who doesn’t know how to embody the role of manager.

Another common mistake restaurant owners make is hiring a restaurant manager from a chain restaurant. This seems like such a great solution because chain managers have been using systems and should be able to just lock that all up for you. However, in most cases this is a flop because they were only successful because of the structure that was in place at the chain restaurant.

In this video I share the better way to find good restaurant managers.

Number one, they need to audition to become a manager. How? Post special projects in plain sight for your employees. Don’t self-select – let everyone have a chance. You never know who you’re underestimating. You train them on the project, make sure they do it, help them be successful and by the time it’s done, you’ll know if that person has potential. If the results don’t meet your expectations, you haven’t hurt anyone’s feelings, you just thank them for their help and move them back to their regular duties. For those who do a great job, offer them a chance to become a restaurant manager in training. They keep their tip shifts, but also increase their skill set to grow into management.

For people who don’t do a great job in their management in the training role, you can easily thank them for their help and let them know you don’t need another manager right now. For those who show they’re ready to be a manager, offer the opportunity.

The bottom line is auditioning your employees in the role of manager is a lot less expensive, less time consuming, less of a burden and much more empowering to your staff.

What have you done to identify good restaurant managers? Share your successes in the comments below.

To learn more about how to find good restaurant managers, read our special report, Breaking Away from the Insanity: How to easily take control of your restaurant and make more money. Download it here

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