Do Something Different Every Day

 In 3. Linda Peters-Getchell, Of Interest, Operations

Authored by Linda Peters-Getchell

“I can’t, I hardly have enough time to do what I have to do, how could I do something different every day?”

Might this well be your response?

Actually you can fit it into your day every day, and occasionally you might find it offers you more time. Try a different route home from work for a week. It keeps you from getting bored, you could find a better or faster way with less traffic, you might see a building you never saw before, or better yet, a park that calls out to you.

Have a backwards dinner and eat dessert first. If you turn on the news first thing in the morning, don’t. Try starting your day with a rip roaring rendition of James Brown’s “I Feel Good.”

It’s a more positive way to begin a day, and if you allow yourself to really get into it, you will find the adrenaline moving while you’re smiling as you dance a little jitterbug as you wiggle into your shoes.

Buy a little jar of bubbles for everyone in the house and have a family bubble blowing contest. Not married? Have a crazy bag lunch in that park you found and bring out the bubbles for lunch and bubble date. You had to have lunch anyway, why not make it fun?

Trade evening TV for that book you keep meaning to read.

So you see, you can do something different every day. Even on such a small scale it keeps life more interesting and less routine.

More importantly it keeps us better prepared to be flexible when change does happen. It happens to all of us. If we learn to embrace change on a daily basis, we are better prepared to handle change when it comes upon us without invitation.

We have taught ourselves to meet the challenge and to look for the gift in any
change, planned or uninvited. Yes, there are gifts even in the change we deem unpleasant.

Take the change challenge for 21 days — 3 weeks — and make a point of doing something different every day. What kind of changes might take place in your life, your business, your attitude, your relationships?

Linda Peters-Getchell has 20 years in restaurant management and food and beverage customer service. She has owned her own restaurant and catering service, developed unique training programs and won two Key Player Awards for her customer service programs at Showboat Casino Hotel. She is currently a powerful creative force for restaurant expert David Scott Peters and his company, Smile Button Enterprises, serving as Fairy Godmother.

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