3-Strikes Approach to Managing Restaurant Employees

 In 1. David Scott Peters, Employees, Labor, SMART Systems, Training, Video Blog

Managing restaurant employees is one of the biggest complaints I hear from restaurant owners (and managers!). Are you like them and tired of walking into your restaurant and wondering how it’s possible that everyone that works for you is an idiot? When is it the right time to teach and when is it the right time to discipline?

This video tip covers the importance of training so that when you’re managing restaurant employees, you know if they don’t understand or if they just don’t care.

One of the many reasons that systems are so effective in managing restaurant employees is there is no confusion about what needs to be done or how it should be done. Every new employee’s training breaks down how to follow the systems for success. If they don’t follow the systems, it’s easy to tell if they’re not serious about being successful in your restaurant.

But before you cast anyone out, first you have to give them a chance to make sure you didn’t leave something unsaid or untrained. That’s where the 3-Strike Approach to managing restaurant employees comes in.

If your employees don’t know, that’s your fault. If they don’t care, that’s their fault, and they deserve to be dumped. First you try to coach your employees and make them better, but if you have an employee who doesn’t care, then you need a process for determining that and then getting rid of them.

In managing restaurant employees, as a manager, a trainer and motivator of people, you need to be patient with your employees. You need to look at mistakes as training opportunities. You need to understand that everyone learns differently and that one of your responsibilities is to learn how each employee learns best so you can help them do their very best at their job. And then teach them according to how they learn best.

But if they continue to make the same mistakes over and over again, following the three strike approach to management, you don’t have to get upset with them. You simply need to let them go.

If you would like to learn more about restaurant training programs, read our free special report, Breaking Away from the Insanity: How to easily take control of your restaurant and make more money. Download it here. Be sure to visit our YouTube channel for more helpful restaurant management video tips. 

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