Restaurant Systems Software to the Rescue

 In 5. Fred Langley, Restaurant Management, SMART Systems

Have you heard you should have restaurant systems and restaurant systems software in place in your restaurant? What does “restaurant systems” even mean? What is restaurant systems software? Watch this video, or read the article below, and David Scott Peters, restaurant expert and coach, will explain what restaurant systems are and how your restaurant business can benefit.

Why should independent restaurant owners use systems? To be competitive, successful and profitable in the restaurant industry. It’s just like the chains do it, but independent restaurants can have better outcomes and better food. (And with our restaurant systems software, you can outperform the chains.)

There are three big benefits to using restaurant systems (especially with restaurant systems software):

1. You’re going to make more money

2. You’re going to get your life back

3. You’re going to build a strong management team that will run the restaurant how you want it run, even when you’re not there.


Putting systems in place is not easy. There is a big learning curve, and you have to have a plan for getting it all in place and getting it right.

But what is a restaurant system? It’s a simple system, process or way to doing everything in your restaurant. There is a system for counting back the bar drawer, for rolling silverware, for taking inventory, for looking at your dollars per labor hour worked and analyzing your efficiency.

This is exactly how chain restaurants impose their will in their restaurants without being there. There is no other option but the system. There is only one way to do it. Follow the system.

The same applies to you, the independent restaurant owner. If you put restaurant systems in place, you get:

1. Things done your way

2. Anyone who can be trained to do it

3. Defensiveness taken out – it takes personalities out of the equation

Restaurant systems are the only way to run your restaurant so that you know things are being done the way you want them done, even when you’re not there.

If you’d like to learn more restaurant systems and restaurant systems software can benefit your restaurant, request a free demo of our restaurant management software, Restaurant Systems Pro.

For systems you can use to immediately lower food cost in your restaurant, download our free report, 3 Simple Systems to Cut Food Cost 2-3% Overnight. You can also view tips to lower food cost in your restaurant on this YouTube channel playlist.

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