More Resources for Indpendent Restaurant Owners

 In Operations

authored by Jenny Brooks

I’m constantly browsing through different blogs and find the most random resources without trying. I’ve become a faithful reader of the Brazen Careerist through this exact method. The author, Penelope Trunk, offers a different perspective on working with others, advancing your career and adapting to the times as they are a-changin’. Plus she shares her advice with such personal insights and experiences that it’s hard not to be intrigued by what’s coming next.

And I started contributing to another blog, one for working mothers called Work It: a Blog for Working Moms. It spoke to me at a time when I was really looking for peers who struggled with the same issues as me. I needed backup and to know I wasn’t crazy, even though I felt like it as a mother and woman with a career.

Both of these sites are well worth the time, you know, when you find yourself with all that spare time. As entertaining as the Brazen Careerist is, or as self-conflicted as the working moms usually are, both have the potential to offer great insight into your own actions and those of your employees.

Now I’ve found some great sources for independent restaurant owners such as yourself. I stumbled upon them at the very end of a weekly update from Nation’s Restaurant News, which I skim for national trends that may impact independent restaurant owners.

After working with David for nearly three years, I’ve had the hardest time finding information in Nation’s Restaurant News that was targeted at independent restaurant owners. But lo and behold, it appears they are finally catching up, especially noted by this post by Mark Brandau.

So tune in and see what Mark might be able to offer. I know I’ll be reading.

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