Do I Need To Add Technology to My Training Program?

 In 6. Tracy Yandow, Operations, Training

Authored by Tracy Yandow, The Manual Solution

The other day I read an old quote that I thought was great. It follows what I preach.

“What I hear, I forget.
What I see, I remember.
What I do, I understand.”

For anyone who knows me, knows that I am a STRONG believer in hands-on training —and DOING. Also, in the four-step training method – Tell, Show, Do, Review. So, I thought I would take this time to talk about the most important element you need to incorporate into your training program.

Many people looking at today’s workforce believe that they need computer based or electronic methods of training. That this generation is so used to getting entertained and receiving their information through the Internet, computers, video games, text messaging, etc., that if you don’t have these incorporated into training, then you are behind the eight ball.

What I am here to say is that you don’t necessarily need all those bells and whistles to effectively train your staff.

Studies have shown that these workforces (X & Y Generations) learn best by DOING. That is, hands on.

That doesn’t mean hands on a computer (unless you are teaching them about your POS system) or hands on a cell phone. It means doing the job that they are asked to do. That does not mean to just throw them out there on their own and hope they figure it out. What it means is to ensure that your training program includes lots of opportunities for hands-on activities, such as role plays, shadowing, observations and live practice sessions. These types of activities will keep your trainees interested and ensure a better understanding of their job.

In a recent article in Training magazine they suggest if you want to incorporate some sort of electronic method — be it computer, text messaging, etc., to do so as a follow-up or review method. You could have your final test questions on the computer, send reminder messages on important procedures via text messaging or email, or show a CBT presentation on topics that you have already trained to re-emphasize what they have been doing.

So my new motto is “What I do, I understand”.

Maybe I should get one of those trendy silicone bracelets printed with it so I can keep it close at hand.

Have a great day!

Tracy Yandow is the founder and chief instructional designer for The Manual Solution, a professional documentation writing, instructional design service and partner in product. The Manual Solution provides a wide range of documentation and operational solutions to companies across the nation. Tracy partnered with David Scott Peters, restaurant expert, to produce restaurant specific training manuals for full service and quick service restaurants. Find out more at

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