Benefits of a daily pre-shift meeting

 In 1. David Scott Peters, Communication, Training

A daily pre-shift meeting is your opportunity to communicate with your employees. Just take a look at some of the benefits:

1) Creating a positive work environment – a pre-shift ensures that your management team MUST communicate every day with your staff. This teaches management the direct relationship between constant communication and happy employees. Employees in the know are less likely to make things up, spread rumors, be unhappy or present a behavior problem. And management that communicates leads.

2) Happy customers – pre-shift meetings are your opportunity to train your employees every day, and we all know that training is imperative to your restaurant’s success. Management will train line employees on daily specials, how to up-sell at the table, product knowledge, events, coupons and promotions, events, etc. Training your employees on a daily basis ensures your guests have the best experience possible every time they dine with you.

3) Make more money – when you train daily, when management creates a positive work environment, and your customers are happy… your sales increase and you make more money!


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daily pre-shift meeting